We at ICC consider kind and good-hearted volunteers, who provide their time, skills and energies to help a fellow community member, to be the most important resource. It is with their help we are able to achieve our goals of serving the Indian Community.
We would like to have the following information from you so that we can use your skills and availability properly. Kindly fill out complete details. This way we can prepare our bank of volunteers and be able to match.
We invite potential volunteers like you at a Volunteer Orientation meeting(s) where we share details of your role as a volunteer and answer any questions you may have. This will prepare you to represent ICC as a volunteer.

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- Duis convallis turpis in tortor vo are risus in euismod varius.
- Sed condimentum est libero, aliqculis.
- Phasellus scelerisque nisl non ullamcorper mollis.
- Donec et libero quis erat commodo suscipit.