The Indian community in Massachusetts is at the third highest risk of TB of any immigrant community. The important thing to remember is that the active cases represent only 10 % or less of the total infected persons since 90 % of the infected person has latent TB without any symptoms or indications. However, these cases of latent TB can become active TB if the individual’s immune system gets weaker!!
ICC in collaboration with Dept. of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Indian Medical Association of New England (IMANE) created a project to educate the Indian community of this risk and prevalence of TB infection amongst our community members.
Our goal is to develop culturally appropriate and sensitive educational materials and to increase awareness in our community about this important topic.
Please Note:
- No Shame – if anyone has symptoms do not consider it a shame. You have not caused it and it is not a reflection on you, your family or your community.
- No Blame – There is no one to blame
- We are all the same – The disease does not discriminate based on age, education, status
The important things to remember:
- We are all connected by the air we breathe
- Anyone can get TB
- TB can be prevented
- TB can be cured
Included below are a list of resources you can use
We particularly thank the following individuals for their contribution to this project, without their support and guidance we would not have been able to accomplish these results:
- Focus Group contributors – Primary Care Providers and Community Members for their insights, suggestions and creative ideas.
- of Public Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts – Kate Rose Bobseine, MPH, Fellow of CDC, Jennifer Cochran, Dipak Desai; and Sharon Sharnprapai.
- Indian Medical Association of New England (IMANE) – Sucheta Doshi, M.D., M.P.H. – Past President and Apurva Gupta, M.D. Chairman, Board of Trustee
- Indian Circle for Caring USA Inc. – Kishor Mehta, M.D. –Advisor special project, Minerva Teli, and Girish Mehta, Founder & Executive Director
We encourage you to share this information with your friends and family. Awareness and responding to symptoms will help our community remain healthy!!