Dr Bindu Vyas, Ph.D. Educator, Advisor, Business Executive

Bindu J. Vyas is a professor of Management and International Business. For twenty years she taught international business and management classes in the McGowan School of Business, King’s College. She has extensive experience in both teaching and research. During her tenure, she served as an academic advisor and faculty advisor for student organizations and helped create two flagship events: King’s 5K (2007-2015), a biannual 5K run/walk to raise funds for the charity, and the Global Landscapes Conference (2008-2019), an annual multidisciplinary conference on ethics, sustainability, development, and growth.
She serves as an advisor to the Green Hope School, in Arusha, Tanzania and serves on the board of Epsilon Chi Omicron (EXO), International Business Honor Society of the James Madison University.
In 2019 she completed Yoga Teacher Training (YTT200), Inner Engineering (Isha Foundation) and the Herbert Benson Course in Mind Body Medicine at the Benson-Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine, MGH. She has also now completed the PART (Positivity and Relaxation Training) certification.
That same year she moved to the Boston metropolitan area and was introduced to the Indian Circle for Caring USA Inc. (ICC). She was impressed with the community service of ICC. The founder, the core leadership team, and the volunteers give their time and provide selfless service to the cause. She joined the leadership team to assist the organization as it works to shape a collective future for fellow Indians in America, to build a strong community that is caring and courageous, and to create hope, love, and joy for Indians in New England.
MY IndUS Lifestyle Management System (LMS) ©SineSole ©BinduVyas