Type2 Diabetes in South Asians: Understanding Prevention, Treatment, and Remission

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Type2 Diabetes in South Asians: Understanding Prevention, Treatment, and Remission

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You may know that South Asians are 3 times more likely to get Type 2 Diabetes regardless of where they live in the world.
But did you know that the risks of this illness can be mitigated or even reversed?

Did you know…

  • According to CDC, skipping breakfast—going without that morning meal can increase blood sugar after both lunch and dinner?
  • There are 96 million American adults who have prediabetes – that’s 1 in 3 adults! Of those 96 million, more than 80% of them don’t even know they have it. Without taking action, many people with prediabetes could develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years (Source: CDC).

Join us for a FREE Webinar on “Type 2 Diabetes in South Asians: Understanding Prevention, Treatment and Remission by

Dr. Sanjeev Mehta, MD, MPH

SVP, Chief Medical Officer and Staff Physician, Joslin Diabetes Center
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

Followed by a talk to AIM on PreventTM Lifestyle Program by

Mr. Amit Akkad

Lifestyle Ambassador and a Director of ICC

On Saturday 14th January 2023 10 AM to 11:30 AM EST

What you will learn from the webinar:
• What is Type 2 Diabetes
• What are the risk factors for developing diabetes
• Overview of diabetes management
• What can be done to lower the risk of diabetes

Why you should attend and invite friends and family to attend
• Address issues of chronic illness such as Diabetes BEFORE it is too late
• Learn how Lifestyle program can help you Live a longer, healthier life
• Reduce your risk of getting one or both chronic diseases
• Reverse the illnesses if you already are suffering from one or both diseases

Registration is required, click here to register

Our speakers

Dr Sanjeev Mehta, MD, MPH
Dr. Sanjeev Mehta MD, MPH is a Chief Medical Officer (interim) and Vice President at Joslin Diabetes Center. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School.
His areas of interest include clinical practice, teaching, research, and Health Care delivery quality. He has led various initiatives in health care and education.

Dr. Mehta focuses his time establishing clinical expertise and innovation in the care of individuals with diabetes. He has received funding from NIH, private foundations, industry, and local grants to support clinical investigations and quality improvement initiatives. His two major areas of expertise and innovation include nutrition research in youth with type 1 diabetes and health outcomes research in adults with diabetes.
He is the founder of Insulogic with the aim to transform diabetes care delivery by scalable automated management with embedded expert solution.
Dr. Mehta and his wife Meeno with their dog Otto live in Newton, MA. They are avid outdoors persons and enjoy travel.

Mr. Amit Akkad, ICC Director, and ICC Lifestyle Program Ambassador

Mr. Amit Akkad is an experienced senior business executive in the IT industry. He has managed multi-million-dollar businesses with proven track record of growing profitable revenues. He is recognized as a business leader with excellent strategic, analytical, communication and operational skills.

Mr. Akkad is Director of ICC and Lifestyle Ambassador serving our community. For the past several years, he has also been working with multiple non-profit organizations in India to inspire, educate and improve lives of the children in impoverished rural communities.



January 14, 2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am
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