Included below are some specifics of a family support service case in which ICC, in partnership with Saheli volunteers, provided care, support, medical regimen, advocacy and guidance to a 34 year old woman for over a year!
Background – The client was diagnosed with Brain Tumor, had undergone surgery and treatment at Mass General Hospital. Saheli volunteers were serving her for social and support needs, but additional help particularly in medical regimen, advocacy and guidance was needed. Saheli requested ICC to provide support for medical needs for the client. ICC volunteers joined hands with Saheli to provide necessary and effective support.
ICC Care and Support: Continued care required monitored oral chemo medicine regimen to assure the dosage and timing were as recommended. A team of eight ICC volunteers took turns spending a few hours every day for a few weeks in a row so that the client could fulfill the requirements of medical treatment. Followed by monthly follow-up visits and consultation with the medical team for 10 months. ICC played a critical role in accompanying the client, making sure that she understood and made appropriate decisions including a follow-up surgery and rehab stay. Routine hospital visits and monitoring continued! There were hopeful signs over the months that her illness was in remission. Unfortunately, a different type of tumor showed up in another part of the brain! Since there was no treatment available and the aggressive nature of the new tumor, she was placed under hospice to make sure that she remains pain free and comfortable.
ICC volunteers continued to work at the hospice facility and remained connected to the client as well as the care team at hospice including personal visits to support for her. Over the next few weeks, the tumor progressed, and she succumbed to the illness. ICC, working with her family, arranged for a graceful and dignified funeral services per her family’s wishes and tradition.
Reflections: Dedicated ICC and Saheli volunteers served her for more than a year. They provided caring and compassionate support with a smile and without any expectations in return! Each of them experienced the joy of selfless service and satisfaction of making a difference!
Her last spoken words, in the ICC volunteers’ presence, reflected her feelings about her journey of life, ups and downs she experienced as well as her sincere and deep appreciation for the care and support she received from volunteers during her last chapter. This experience left a lasting impression on her, and she was able to express her gratitude to a volunteer who played such a critical role for her when it was most needed.
To read about the family support services ICC provides, click here.