ICC has been serving the New England and surrounding areas since its inception. In our desire to serve our community throughout the United States for emergency family support and planning for major life events ICC is working with likeminded, good hearted volunteers with desire to serve community. ICC works with new chapters, to mentor, prepare, provide know how and ongoing support to enable them to serve the community at the time of their need.
We have a two-pronged approach.
- Establishing an ICC Chapter: ICC will train, mentor and enable a core group of individuals who are ready to build and maintain such services for their geographic area. ICC will fully support the volunteers in the chapter as an integral part of Indian Circle for Caring USA Inc.
- Through Affiliated Organizations: ICC provides training, know-how and support to the affiliated organizations personnel, volunteers.
Sewa International – USA is an affiliate organization that has replicated ICC’s service model for family emergency support services beginning in 2012.
Since 2012, ICC and Sewa International The following is the latest update on “Family Services” Programs under this important and effective collaborative relationship:
1. Chapter: Houston, TX
Sewa International’s Houston Chapter
inaugurated the Family Services program in April 2014. Beginning in 2012, ICC has provided and continues to provide guidance and resources to build the knowledge base and capacity to serve as well as ongoing support and guidance as necessary.
2. Chapter: Dallas, TX
Sewa International’s Dallas Chapter
A core group is in the process of establishing a team and capacity to provide Family Services. In August 2015, a series of “Health Care Proxy and Living Will” presentations and workshops were conducted at various location in greater Dallas, TX area to build the awareness in the community and begin the process of establishing Family Services program.
- Chapter: Raleigh, Cary, Durham (Research Triangle Park) NC – Family services program was introduced to the community on March 4, 2016 with about 650 people in attendance. The chapter team is now planning and preparing to build volunteer team, work with existing organizations and actively work on community awareness. As the capacity is built, they will announce beginning of various aspects of services.
- Chapter: San Antonio, TX: Community organization and other leaders joined at a Family Services introduction and launch on April 9, 2016. The initiative was very well received by about 40 participants. Sewa San Antonio Chapter leaders are now in the process of building volunteering and other resources so that they can begin the process of serving community members in hour of their need!!
- Chapter: Greater Chicago, IL: Sewa Chicago chapter has begun the process of establishing Family Services Program in Greater Chicago. The process began in earnest during April 14 to 25, 2016. A series of “Health Care Proxy and Living Will” workshops were conducted at various locations where over 500 individuals had an opportunity to learn about new initiative – Family Services program (modeled after ICC’s volunteering services program) along with a workshop where many of the attendees learned about “Health Care Proxy and Living Will” and had a fully executed legal document in their hands at the end of the workshop!!! These meetings were held at Carol Spring, Schaumburg, Hoffman Estate, Bartlett, Naperville, and Peoria.
- Chapter: Atlanta, GA: We have begun the process of creating local team and building resources at Atlanta, GA with meetings of volunteers as well as a session to “train the trainer” for Health Care Proxy workshop. Subsequently the team has conducted and continue to conduct Health Care Proxy workshop. Over a period, we hope this will become a start of “Family Services” program there.
- Chapter: Seattle, WA: In September 2016, Seattle, WA chapter has begun the process of building a team and capacity to serve. Several “Health Care Proxy” workshops were conducted to increase awareness in the community. A workshop was held for volunteers to share details about this program and to inspire them to join as well as spread the word in the community. Several meetings with leaders of other organizations were held. Local team subsequently has successfully conducted Health Care Proxy for a group of seniors!
- Chapter: Phoenix, AZ: In late September 2016, working with Sewa chapter of Phoenix, we conducted a couple of “Health Care Proxy” workshops. This was followed by a group of volunteers learning about ICC model and discussion of how they can replicate this model as a “Family Services” program. Efforts are underway to put together a team to move forward.
- Chapter: Orlando, FL: In March 2017, two “Health Care Proxy” workshops were conducted. This gave us an opportunity to increase awareness among volunteers and community about the need for replicating this model. Additional meetings with some of the community leaders proved to be useful in furthering the cause.
- Chapter: Tampa, FL: A “Health Care Proxy” workshop was conducted at Tampa, FL in March 2017. We are hopeful that local team would begin the process of putting together their team and move forward to build the capacity to serve.
- Chapter: Northern NJ: We are building a group and capacity to serve. As a result, a number of client situations are being supported!! The team is making an impact.
Volunteers and leaders of different chapters have learned about the successful model of ICC developed since August of 2007 through the following workshops and meetings as well as small group web conferences since 2012:
- National Workshop and Conference: In Oct 2015 in Houston, various chapters and their leaders were invited to participate in a national workshop to learn and prepare to establish Family Services programs in their area. Over thirty individuals participated representing eight (8) chapters throughout the United States. This has served as a foundation for local groups beginning to put together teams of leaders and volunteers, build knowledge base, and activities to increase awareness in the community.
- 1st Regional Family Services Workshop at Chicago: On Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 a full day workshop was conducted at Palatine, IL with 12 volunteers with sincere interest in learning about Family Services program and desire to establish similar services in their cities – Chicago, Bloomington, and Peoria. Not only these group learned about ICC’s successful and proven model; they also learned about specific steps they can take to begin the process of replicating these services. Chicago group is now moving forward with various activities which will prepare them to serve our community through their volunteering efforts.
- 2nd Regional Family Services Workshop at San Jose, CA: On Saturday, May 7th, 2016 a “Family Services” workshop was conducted at San Jose, CA with 18 volunteers representing seven (7) cities with sincere interest in learning about Family Services program and desire to establish similar services in their cities – San Francisco, CA; Sacramento, CA; San Diego, CA; Danvers, CO; Portland, OR; Seattle, WA, and Tampa, FL. These group learned about ICC’s successful and proven model. They also learned about specific steps they can take to begin the process of replicating these services to serve local community. This group plans to move forward with various activities which will prepare them to serve our community through their volunteering efforts.
We request and encourage those who are familiar with ICC’s proven model and its impact to the community to spread the word to their family and friends regardless of where they may be in the USA. Sharing this information may prove to be a beginning and possibly turn into a wonderful services organization to serve their community locally!!!